Willadamsacademy 0033
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DSC 0021


What you will learn

The Sports Leaders course is broken down into units that look at leaderships skills through Sport.

Through a range of practical and written work the following questions will be answered:

  • What skills and behaviours are important when leading a group of people?
  • What are your leadership skills like before and after the course?
  • How do you plan a successful session?
  • What are different ways you can communicate?
  • How can you motivate young people to take part in sport?

How you will be assessed

There will be 2 types of assessment for this course. The first will be through a number of small tasks, followed by a 1 hour practical session (Level 1) or 10 hours of teaching for level 2. This will be teaching a group of young people a sporting activity which you will have planned as a group.

Who should choose this course?

If you would like to go on a journey to gain life skills that will help:

  • Improve your ability to communicate
  • Develop your self-esteem and confidence
  • Be able to manage others as part of a team and solve problems

Then this will be a course for you.

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